It's interesting, how people are instantly drawn to the WITHDRAWAL section. It's us isn't it? We're all usually more drawn towards negativity, the Bad is instantaneously in bold rather than trying to find the Good in things/situations.
*note to self: to try to find Good dulu, baru la cari worst case scenarios*
Although the alfian-withdrawal syndrome tu mengikut sedap telinga and keyboard aku aje, however it made me think, really, about the withdrawal thingy. And also about caffeine. Further googling reveals that caffeine withdrawal symptoms is actually a serious medical condition.
I now realize that I had experienced those symptoms way back then. Especially after the SPM exams are over. Boy i used to consumed coffee by pots at one go. Masa tu gila study sampai pagi. Coffee, books, notes, and a Walkman sambil ditemani Glenn Ong (konon masa tu he's the King of late night radio, well, in singapore la at least. tapi mmg best gila. i love him). Petang2 masa prep dah pening/migraine. Makan panadol 6 bijik. Malam minum lagi kopi. Ye, mmg gila.
So after the exams i was back at home, mmg cut off la from kopi since parents aku tak minum kopi sgt. Cadang tu nak kerja odd job masa tu tapi those symptoms made me unfit to work. My throbbing headaches, nauseas, made me literally a 'house potato'. Nasib baik masa tu dah ada Internet, albeit a maha super slow one la kan masa tu baru mula2 nak ada internet (yes i'm THAT old). It doesn't help also that i kept burning the midnight oil lepas exam to sebab addicted to IRC. hahahahha. those channels and nukes.
Anyway, my point is, caffeine withdrawal is indeed serious business. Sgt terseksa. Masa tu every week i went to see doctor. Tak pesal2 kena check darah, and masa tu jugak la baru discover that aku ni Rhesus -ve. How convenient. Masa tu takde google. Paling terer pun Yahoo. So information mmg sgt kurang la. Tu yang rasa diri macam handicapped. Masa tu pening ya rabbi. Rasa lethargic gila babas. Sakit tulang. Sakit otot. And aku mampu tido lebih dari 24 jam. Depressed pun aku rasa ada jugak la sikit2.
Kemudian keluar result SPM yang menghampakan. Lagi lah depressed. Looking back i think it continued until mid-college, sebab i remember being able to sleep for more than 24hrs back to back. Tak tidur 3 hari straight pun penah jugak.
1st year keja, dah ada duit dalam tangan, addicted to Starbucks pulak. Tiap2 minggu, at least sekali kena minum. THE drink masa tu adalah Rhumba. Masa me and my girlfriend made our weekly homage to SB only to find that the drink had been abruptly discontinued, kitorang macam nak menjerit. Tak percaya. I remember we quizzed the barrista macam penjenayah. Tak cukup dengan tu, kitorang siap pegi branch SB yang lain, tanya betul ke news yang kitorang dengar ni.
Yes, addiction can make you do things.
I've entirely stopped drinking coffee. Kalau ada pun macam sekali sekala terasa nak mengada. See, the basis dah different. Dulu rasa PERLU, NEED minum kopi. Now kalau terasa nak mengada, baru beli. Caffeine-wise, aku rasa kurang la and still definitely ada sebab kadang2 tu minum gak sodas/carbonated & energy drinks. And now i'm an avid fan of tea, so confirm la ada caffeine tu tapi insyaAllah dalam dose yang sikit.
It's alarming to discover how much it did control my life. Some might say that aku saja je nak salahkan orang/benda lain selain aku, it's not true, most of the time mmg aku asyik salahkan diri aku sendiri sampai depressed ok. This new knowledge somehow elevates that shadow, sebab baru aku tau sebenarnye it's a medical condition. Things would've been better kalau i knew this before, but the most important thing is, is that I'm aware of this 'silent poison'.
Eh, sekali dah mentaip, macam nak taip lagi. Adakah blogging akan menjadi 'recurring addiction' aku? haha.
Menarik. Apa kata aku listkan things yang sedang/pernah jadi addiction aku:
Facebook - sedang
Blogging - pernah/ mungkin sedang
Google. (ye, there is such a thing as addicted-to-google, i swear!)-sedang
shopping-pernah (i wish!)
maya karin/fazura/vanidah imran - sedang
true blood series 1-pernah tak habis je list sampai esok. hmmMM. oh. on thing i'm definitely addicted to:
- EN. ALFIAN -(jgn salahkan aku la kan..bagi can le..suami aku jauh di Miri. sekali sekala bila dia balik aku jadi ala2 jakun. lepas tu bila dia pulang ke Miri, itu yang jadi withdrawal semacam tu.)
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