Updating my bromocriptine experience.
Almost a month of twice daily pill-popping now.
First few days I struggled with nausea, dizziness, fatigue. Then the body gradually got accustomed to the drug, so it's okay.
Other side effects of the intake so far:
- Hair loss everywhere. On pillow, toilet, keyboard, lantai. Shedding hair as i type now. Have changed since to Himalaya's non-chemical shampoo, because psychologically I feel that i don't need further chemical exposure (maybe it has no relation at all). Haha.
- Nausea still there but improved resistance.
- Messed up menses cycle, previously it was like a Swiss clock. Am late for a week now. And no, i'm not pregnant. Checked that.
- Headache when i'm hungry. But that i think is a common effect, probably not associated to bromo at all.
- Terrible headache if i missed one pill.
Going to the hospital's apothecary for another dose of the drug, then another month to the first blood checkup. Hopefully there's improvement in the prolactin level. And hopefully nothing else found. Ameen.
aku add ko kat bloglist. takpe kan??? hehe
hopefully internal condition back to normal (ko punye external look mmg sama je cam dulu, muda remaja aku tgk!).
take care dear.
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